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Look What You Made Me Do(1 / 3)

Look What You Made Me Do

Part Ⅰ

I don’t lik your little games 你那点伎俩还是别拿出来了

Don’t like your tilted stage 你那浮动舞台效果也逊爆了

The role you made me play 你让我扮演小丑的角色

Of the fool, no, I don’t like you 愚蠢至极的角色不我真的不喜欢你

I don’t like your perfect crime 我不喜欢你自导自演的闹剧

How you laugh when you lie 也不喜欢你笑里藏刀的嘴脸

You said the gun was mine 你先发制人咬定是我先惹的你

Isn’t cool, no, I don’t like you(oh!) 想颠倒黑白?不我嗤之以鼻

But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time 但我懂得适时收手全身而退,待时机成熟重夺王座

Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time 亲爱的,我浴火重生,向来如此

I’ve got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined 我手里有一长串黑名单,恭喜你被我划了红线

I check it once, then I check it twice, oh! 我翻了翻你的名字,又再三确认

Ohh, look what you made me do 噢,瞧瞧你们都让我做了些什么

Look what you made me do 瞧瞧你们都让我做了些什么

Look what you just made me do 瞧瞧你们让我如何回应

Look what you just made me do 瞧瞧你们让我如何回应

Ohh, look what you made me do 噢,瞧瞧你们都让我做了些什么

Look what you made me do 瞧瞧你们都让我做了些什么

Look what you just made me do 瞧瞧你们让我如何回应

Look what you just made me do 瞧瞧你们让我如何回应

Part Ⅱ

I don’t like your kingdom keys 我不屑于你们手握的奖杯

They once belonged to me 因为那些本属于我

You ask me for a place to sleep 你向我祈求一个容身之所

Locked me out and threw a feast(what?) 却把我反锁在门外,自己享用饕餮大餐(真是看错你了!)

The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama 地球依然旋转,每天上演着不同的戏码

But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma 但这不关我的事,不关我事,我只能说恶有恶报

And then the world moves on but one thing’s for sure 地球还是会转,我也始终确信

Maybe I got mine, but you’ll all get yours 风水轮流转,善恶终有报

But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time 但我懂得适时收手全身而退,待时机成熟重夺王座

Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time 亲爱的,我浴火重生,向来如此

I’ve got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined 我手里有一长串黑名单,恭喜你被我划了红线

I check it once, then I check it twice, oh! 我翻了翻

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